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20kg Jazzy Seed Potatoes (Summer Planting) FREE DELIVERY

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A well known favourite in the potato world. Attractive white skins with bright splashes of red. These potatoes are specially grown and stored for summer planting.
Early maturity, high yielding firm cooking type with good taste and texture. Jazzy potatoes are a small set-skinned variety that are perfect for adding to salads, boiled or even roasted whole.
More Information
Cooking Type Salad
Pack Weight 20 kg
Maturity Second Early
Shape of Tuber Oval Long
Colour of Skin Red (Partial Colour)
Depth of Eyes Shallow


Summer planting seed potatoes are best planted from mid-June through to the end of July and are normally ready for harvest during October. The seed potatoes can be planted directly into gardens or allotments or they can be grown in containers. The key is to leave the seed potatoes in the soil or containers once they have finished growing, although it is vital to ensure the crop is protected from frost with a fleece, polytunnel or some sort of covering. They can then be harvested whenever the gardener wishes, providing lots of baby "new-potatoes" with that sought-after "new potato" taste in the depths of winter. They can be an enjoyable addition to Christmas dinner (hence the reason they are sometimes called Christmas potatoes). Summer Planting seed potatoes can be grown throughout the UK.